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Two vineyards

We have two vineyards, one of which is located on our own property, covering 0.4 hectares with around 1,000 vines, consisting of the grape varieties cabernet cortis and souvignier gris, planted in 2019. Our larger vineyard, covering 1.5 hectares, is located in Harskamp, planted in 2017 and managed in collaboration with Celtic Fields, Margriet’s father’s company. This vineyard hosts five grape varieties, including johanniter for sparkling wines, solaris, and cabernet noir.

Sustainable cultivation techniques

We let nature take its course as much as possible and intervene as little as necessary. Each harvest year, we evaluate what nature provides and decide based on that which wine to produce: white, red, or rosé. To learn more about planting other grape varieties under different conditions, we are expanding the existing vineyard with a test field. Here, we will experiment with classic grape varieties, such as pinot noir. This field will be our test garden for sustainable cultivation techniques, exploring the boundaries of traditional viticulture.

Our wines





Somer Spranckel


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Made by Zeker Zichtbaar

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